Set up shipping costs for various destinations; update your credit card details for billing and browse influencer directory with no limits!
Set Up Shipping Costs For Various Destinations
You asked, we made it! Our shipping features are under constant update and with new weekly releases. Many of you've been waiting for the feature to setup various shipping costs for different destinations and have it setup once for all your products. Now it's possible.
Update Your Credit Card Details Anytime
If you need to update your credit card details for monthly billing, now you can do it in two quick clicks!
Browse Influencer Directory with No Limits
Now you setup filters to browse directory and they are now fixating your choice. So you can work with influencer directory freely moving around and with your filters on.
Jump here to explore what products you can request to try in exchange for promotion on social media.
We are heading to work! Lots of new features coming next week! <3