Some fun updates are here! Introducing new loading animation, bookmarks for influencer directory and influencer username search!
New Loading Animation
Meet our super cool new loading animation. Waiting for your page to load can be boring. We made it fun! Watch little Persollo sputnik flying around the Moon for the chance to enjoy the process of downloading. Come to play!
Bookmark Influencers in Influencer Directory
Now you can bookmark influencers in our comprehensive database (Influencer Directory) that includes 86,000+ influencers globally. Bookmark influencers and then invite for collaboration only those you feel fit best for your brand.
Search Influencers By Username
In addition to the function of searching and filtering Influencers by geographical location, follower range, specific social network and category, now you can search by influencer username too! Type the influencer username in search field and check their engagement metrics and last 6 posts from their social media.
Check this new product updates in your Persollo profile.